Does ActBlue promote or endorse any candidates or groups that use its platform?

ActBlue does not endorse any candidates, committees, or organizations that use our platform. Each group raises its own contributions and only uses ActBlue to process and receive them.

We do not promote any groups using our platform, and we do not send emails or texts or fundraise on their behalf. It is helpful to note that campaigns and organizations fundraising on our platform run their own email and texting programs. Even if you get a link to donate on ActBlue in an email or a text, it is coming from a group that uses our tools, not us.

Additional Reading

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Do you send emails or texts on behalf of any campaign or organization?

We do not send emails or texts on behalf of any other groups. Additionally, we do not share your email address or, if you choose to provide it, your…

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How does ActBlue work?

ActBlue is a nonprofit tech organization that builds digital fundraising tools for Democratic candidates and committees, progressive organizations, and other nonprofits. These groups use ActBlue’s fundraising platform to create…