Why was I charged more than once?

Every time you click the “Donate” button, you are making a contribution. If you see two identical charges on your account, you likely accidentally clicked the button twice. If this happened to you, just email [email protected] and our Customer Service Team will help you right away!

Additional Reading

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How do I view my contribution history?

Create an ActBlue Express account, or log in if you already have one.  Donors who haven’t saved their personal information in their ActBlue Express account can’t view their contribution history. Select…

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I thought I made a one-time contribution but it’s recurring. What happened, and how can I stop it?

ActBlue processes donations exactly how the contribution form is filled out when a supporter clicks the donate button. Each organization or campaign creates its own contribution forms, and some…

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I made a mistake while donating. Who should I contact?

You can contact us here, and we’ll be happy to help! We return every email and inquiry that we receive, and make every effort to do so within the…